米陸軍 (U.S. ARMY) において採用、 支給されていたフィジカルトレーニング用のPFU(PHYSICAL FITNESS UNIFORM) トレーニングパンツをベースとし、改良を施した。
コットンライクな柔らかい肌触り、軽量化、保温性、吸水性、速乾性、堅牢性を兼ね備えた、 オールシーズンご着用頂けるトレーニングパンツを目指し製作しております。
Adopted and issued by the U.S. Army (U.S. ARMY) PFU (PHYSICAL FITNESS UNIFORM) Training Pants for Physical Training PFU (PHYSICAL FITNESS UNIFORM) training pants The overall silhouette is a loose straight silhouette.
The overall silhouette is adjusted to a loose straight silhouette.
Removed lining, zipper front opening, Zipper pocket on the right hip, The knee patches are made of mesh material on the reverse side and have a concealed zipper, The knee patches are lined with mesh and have concealed zippers and ventilation (air conditioning) that doubles as pockets.
The hem has a zipper and drawcord for silhouette adjustment.
The material is woven with taslan and hollow yarns, The material is polyester twill woven with taslan and hollow yarns and treated with a water-repellent finish.
Cotton-like soft feel, lightweight, warmth retention, water absorption, quick-drying, and fastness, It can be worn in all seasons.
These training pants are designed to be worn in all seasons.
O 代官山 2号店
O 天満店